Launching Convergent’s Substack: Essential Technology

Today we launched a Convergent Research substack, Essential Technology, because we believe scientific progress is being held back not by a lack of talent — but by missing essential technologies.

Essential technologies are missing across many of the most important scientific disciplines that would unlock significant breakthroughs—tools, datasets, and platforms that empower new discovery.

These are solvable bottlenecks. Consider how space telescopes, particle accelerators, and DNA sequencers reveal a deeper world to us and open new domains of discovery. What has enabled these leaps? New ways of organizing science.

University astronomy labs couldn’t have launched the Hubble Space Telescope on their own, nor would a venture-backed startup have built the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. That’s why we’re building different kind of organizations to drive outsized scientific return on investment.

Are you a scientist who wants to lead or join a different type of team? Are you a funder looking to accelerate science?

We’ll hope you’ll join us.

Read more about our vision for essential technology and subscribe for future perspectives from Convergent and our portfolios of FROs:


Announcing our new collaboration with ARIA